Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Planetarium

On a warm Saturday the plein air group met at Pasadena City College.  There are several areas of interest at the college that might make a good painting subject.  We all gathered at the Planetarium and found our views to paint there.  The college was founded in 1921, and I just read that the Observatory/Planetarium was dedicated in 1931 by Albert Einstein.  Wow!  Getting a full view of the building was hard because it's so close to a parking lot.  I was looking for shade too.  Several of us found a spot to paint from and had a challenge painting the ever-changing shadows on the curved, white building.  A fun morning as always! 

5 x 7" Gouache


  1. I bet that was a challenge! Nice touch with the stair rail. But seriously, those Bird of Paradise leaves are a home run. Jealous
