Sunday, February 2, 2014

Virtual Paintout Cape Cod!

The location for the January 2014 Virtual Paintout was Cape Cod!  Wow, I'd love to visit there, but second best may be the Virtual Paintout.  It was created by Bill Guffey who chooses a location any where in the world that the Google Street View vehicles and cameras have traveled.  Artists find a view to paint and submit their paintings to Bill which he posts on the Virtual Paintout blog and on Facebook.    

I wasn't able to spend too much time looking around Cape Cod unfortunately.  I spent most of my time in Provinetown which has some charming streets and buildings, and I liked the colorful street banners.  I was looking for some beach areas for one of my paintings but didn't find anything exciting.  I noticed that the street view cameras haven't covered the area very thoroughly.  One thing that stood out to me was the lack of graffiti.  Must say, the most graffiti I've seen was in Venice, Italy.  In January it seemed I had some extra paintings to do so I painted two small watercolors for the January Virtual Paintout.  At least I can practice painting figures and cars!

5 x 7" watercolor

5 x 7" watercolor
A Google Street View bicycle!


  1. Love these colourful paintings, makes me want to go there too

  2. You are truly amazing, Sherry. Love these so much. Do you sell your paintings?

    1. Hi Penny, Our paths will have to meet sometime around SoCal! Yes, most paintings I would love to sell, as the stack grows... :-)

  3. Love them both, Sherry. I have been to Cape Cod, and you really captured the feeling well. Your colorful touches are perfect.

  4. You've really captured the small town hometown, Sherry - my daughter used to live there and it's picturesque like you've shown here. Love the figures, too!

    1. Thanks Joani! I remember you mentioning your daughter lived there. Great reason to visit.
